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    BMP Wrap

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BMP Wrap 

 Version 2.0

Platforms: Windows (all)

License : Free



Ever needed to email a file but it keeps on bouncing because it's an illegal attachment? Renaming the file or storing it in a ZIP archive might work, but most ISP can detect that low-tech obfuscation. You need BMP Wrap. 

BMP Wrap temporarily hides a file inside a valid .BMP image. Once hidden, you can send the BMP file to anybody you wish and they can then extract that file from the BMP image using BMP Wrap. Now you can send EXEs, DLLs, or whatever file format you want, and the destination mail server will never be the wiser. 

Download bmpWrap.exe. No installation is required - just save the EXE file to your desktop, and then drag the file you want to wrap/unwrap onto the the BMPWrap Icon (a new .BMP file is created, the original file is left unmodified). 

This program is free & does not include any ad-ware or other malware. The only advertising is on this webpage, so please link to this page rather than the EXE file directly.

A number of websites have reviewed this app positively, though often they wish for password protection as an added feature. I think that would overly complicate this app's real purpose: a fool-proof way to send email attachments that won't get blocked. Just say no to feature creep. 


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